Rassegna trimestrale n. XIV-4 | Ottobre 2023

Il numero di ottobre della Rassegna trimestrale dell'Osservatorio AIR propone analisi sullo sviluppo di diversi strumenti della qualità della regolazione, sia relativamente alla metodologia, sia relativamente alla loro attuazione.

Nei primi tre contributi si commentano altrettante recenti analisi OCSE su tre rilevanti strumenti: il test PMI, le consultazioni e le sandboxes.

Nei restanti due commenti ci si concentra sull'aspetto attuativo, con un contributo di analisi sullo stato dell'arte dell'AIR e della VIR a livello nazionale (con un commento alla Relazione annuale del DAGL al Parlamento sull'applicazione di AIR e VIR) e sulla sperimentazione che il Friuli-Venezia Giulia ha effettuato in tema di enforcement, relativamente ai controlli nel settore lattiero-caseario.

Osservatorio AIR
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Rassegna trimestrale n. XIV-4 | Ottobre 2023
di Nicoletta Rangone e Gianluca Sgueo

ll numero di ottobre 2023 della Rassegna trimestrale propone commenti alle analisi dell’OCSE nei confronti di vari strumenti di better regulation (test PMI, consultazioni, sandbox), per poi concentrarsi sullo stato di attuazione di due di questi (AIR e VIR) a livello nazionale, senza distogliere l’attenzione su interessanti sperimentazioni regionali.

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Osservatorio AIR
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Rassegna trimestrale n. XIV-4 | Ottobre 2023
di Mario Martelli

Abstract (EN) | The contribution builds on the contents of the OECD’s “The SME Test: Taking SMEs and entrepreneurs into account when regulating” Annex to the OECD Best Practice Principles on Regulatory Impact Assessment (2022), to present its main findings and underpin the discussion on the SMEs Test within Regulatory Impact Assessment. In particular, the paper emphasises the lessons arising at international level aimed at improving the actual functioning of SMEs and of the regulation regarding private small companies

Abstract (IT) | Il contributo si basa sui contenuti del documento dell...

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Osservatorio AIR
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Rassegna trimestrale n. XIV-4 | Ottobre 2023
di Giulia Taraborrelli

Abstract (EN) | The OECD has published the report «Regulatory sandboxes in artificial intelligence», a study that defines benefits, risks and challenges of the regulatory sandbox testing tool. In analysing their impact on technological innovation and competition, the OECD identifies the need for interdisciplinary and institutional cooperation, as well as the need for global interoperability between sandboxes. It also discusses the need for a harmonised set of criteria for determining access to the sandboxes and for evaluating trials, as well as the importance of the interaction between...

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Osservatorio AIR
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Rassegna trimestrale n. XIV-4 | Ottobre 2023
di Ludovica Sabato

Abstract (EN) | The article presents the OCSE contribution “OECD Guidelines for Citizen Participation Processes” approved by the Public Governance Committee on 2 September 2022. The guidelines describe ten steps for designing, planning, implementing and evaluating a citizen participation process and illustrates guiding principles to help ensure the quality of these processes. This contribution is a tool for any individual or organisation interested in planning a citizen participation process, such as policy makers, practitioners, civil society organisations, citizens and the private sector.

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Osservatorio AIR
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Rassegna trimestrale n. XIV-4 | Ottobre 2023
di Simona Morettini

Abstract (EN) | The Annual Report takes stock of the measures introduced in Italy during the 2022 to deliver better results for citizens and businesses through more open, transparent and evidence-based policy-making. The Report shows that the efforts to put better regulation at the heart of the decision-making process have been successful. This success should be consolidated and sustained so that we can continue to make further improvements.

Abstract (IT) | Il report annuale rende conto delle misure introdotte in Italia nel 2022 per perseguire migliori risultati per cittadini e imprese...

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Osservatorio AIR
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Rassegna trimestrale n. XIV-4 | Ottobre 2023
di Margherita Maria Castelli, Ivan Poli, Silvia Zuttion, Martina Ricci, Marta Zanolla e Manlio Palei

Abstract (EN) | In recent years, the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Prevention, Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health Service has been working on rationalizing controls in the dairy sector. The implementation of this project is divided into several parts: the development of an innovative virtual simulation environment for the training of inspectors, risk assessment in official controls, and the writing of manuals for food industry operators to involve Stakeholders. All of these have the potential to be replicated in other contexts and are drawn from good regulatory practice guidelines.


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